Tuesday, April 11, 2017

My term 1 and 2 goals

Emma’s Term 1 and 2 goals

I would like to learn to read the clock faster-to achieve this I will stop asking my brother if I could look at his digital watch and use the analog clock on the wall as often as I can. I definitely won't get someone to read it for me.I will also test myself every two weeks.
I want to get faster at my  7,8,6 and 12 time tables-to do this I will make flash cards and hang them on the wall I will also go on hit the button 1 a week as well as getting my dad to test me.

I would like to use different vocabulary in my writing.Like adjectives and  exiting nouns- to do this I will edit my work more and use the thesaurus when I can I will also ask my parents to use new exciting words when we speak
I would like to make lots of new friends so I can get to know more people - to do this I will start conversations with people I do not know yet.and will chose different people for groups or pairs and will ask people if they would like my help.

My goal is to be even more of a risk taker and to take all the opportunities I get - to do this I will take all the opportunities at camp and at school even if I am scared I will also put 100% into everything I do.