Sunday, March 5, 2017

What did we do for the first weeks of school.

 Screenshot 2017-03-06 at 11.59.00 AM.png
Room 16 , 2017.A New year and my last year at Pine hill. It's a great start not only did I signed up for cluster swimming, choir, netball, F.O.P.S, library monitor, kapa haka ,and tried out for house captain but sadly did not become house captain I got a certificate and the class shield already!

Now let's talk ART!Firstly I made sizzling summer scene which was fantastically fun, first step was draw a stencil  for half of your creative glasses.
Screenshot 2017-02-27 at 12.26.04 PM.pngScreenshot 2017-03-06 at 12.04.39 PM.png
second was copied it onto a piece of large paper flip the stencil over to make the other lenses and join it together with the bridge of the glasses.thirdly we drew a scene in each one of the glasses. Forth we colored it all in and cut it out and are master pieces were finished.We are currently in the middle of our kete and my theme is patterns and plants.

Try-hackathon what do you think it is? Well I had to answer that to. Basically it is a competition where two of room 16 + 15 reading groups come together  and work with someone from both rooms to make a video about one of the  following topics from the weet-bix triathlon :

  • Biking
  • Swimming
  • Running
  • Nutrients
  • Training for the try-Athlon
My team and I have chosen biking and have recently finished our script. It took a lot of Teamwork for our group of four to write a script of only 30 seconds tops but we did it in the end.
That is just a few of the amazing things I did so far this year.