Room 16 , 2017.A New year and my last year at Pine hill. It's a great start not only did I signed up for cluster swimming, choir, netball, F.O.P.S, library monitor, kapa haka ,and tried out for house captain but sadly did not become house captain I got a certificate and the class shield already!
Now let's talk ART!Firstly I made sizzling summer scene which was fantastically fun, first step was draw a stencil for half of your creative glasses.
Try-hackathon what do you think it is? Well I had to answer that to. Basically it is a competition where two of room 16 + 15 reading groups come together and work with someone from both rooms to make a video about one of the following topics from the weet-bix triathlon :
- Biking
- Swimming
- Running
- Nutrients
- Training for the try-Athlon
My team and I have chosen biking and have recently finished our script. It took a lot of Teamwork for our group of four to write a script of only 30 seconds tops but we did it in the end.
That is just a few of the amazing things I did so far this year.